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Research studies point to the replenishing effects of nature for those with depression. Ethan Kross PhD, associate professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, is one of many experts who has studied the nature-depression link. His findings were as follows:

  • Adults with depression who took a 50-minute walk in a natural setting for one research session and then a 50-minute walk in an urban setting for another research session were found to be less depressed and had better memory skills after they took the nature walk.

  • Adults who moved to greener urban areas, compared to less green areas had better mental health during in follow-up enquiries three years after the move

  • Those who took group nature walks reported less depression, less stress, and a better sense of well-being than those who didn’t take nature walks, according to a study that looked at of more than 1,500 people in a walking program.

  • Being outdoors and in nature boosts vitality, which experts define as having ‘physical and mental energy’. Those People with depression often report fatigue and decreased energy. Researchers found the energy-boosting effect of nature was independent of the physical activity or social interaction experienced while outdoors.

  • To read more about the study, click here


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